Voices of Conscience

Links for Ann Wright Maui Weekly Review Sky Barnhart 12/2007
"Enough Heroes to Fill a Book" David Swanson 12/2007
"Voices of the Iraq War Dissenters Ring Out" William Hughes 12/2007
Reading David Swanson's Review on YouTube, John Perry with photos of dissenters 12/2007
Gift Guide: Greenies, Pundits, and Somewhere in Between Christine Thomas Literary Lotus 12/17/2008
In Their Own Write, Foreign Service Journal Scroll to page 21 11/2008
Thank you, Ann Wright and Susan Dixon Margaret Bassett, 6/2008
Buzzflash 5/2008
The Nuclear Resister Last page 4/2008
Saying No to the Logic of Empire Danny Li Hawai'i People's Fund Newsletter (p. 4) 4/2008
Barnes&Noble Review: Saying NO to USA Empire Danny Li, reviewer 4/18/2008
Wrong and Wright Seth Sandronsky, 3/2008
Honorable Dissent: The Resignation of Ann Wright Gerald Loftus, 3/2008
Link of the Week MichaelMoore.com (Scroll down) 3/2008
Aria Aperta Russell Branca, 2/2008
KDViations Top Ten Nonfiction Books France Kassing Davis, California 1/2008
Dissent: Voices of Conscience Zenju Earthlyn Manuel Turning Wheel, Journal of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship 11/2009
Review in Japanese by former Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon Naoto Amaki 7/31/2009
They Spoke Out Ed McWilliams Review of Dissent on pp. 53-54 in the May, 2009 issue of the Foreign Service Journal 5/2009
GazaAnn's talk in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Rape in the Military in Santa Fe, New Mexico 10/10/2009
Marching with Eve Ensler and Sandra Lee to the US Military Recruiting Station for Military Rape Awareness Week, Times Square NYC 10/13/2009
Ann Wright speaking at Times Square, New York City on Military Rape Awareness Week 10/13/2009
"Punishment (for Rape) Has to Be Top Priority in U.S. Military" Inter Press Service interview in Tokyo, Japan 8/13/2009
President Carter and Citizen Activists Witness Deliberate Destruction of Gaza 6/18/2009
Radio New Zealand 6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq & Gaza 4/21/2009
Codepink Radio-The Gaza Report 3/22/2009
Grit TV-Ann Wright in Gaza 3/9/2009
"Israel's Crimes" -GRIT TV interview 2/10/2009
Flotilla Passengers Huwaida Arraf of Free Gaza Movement and Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Respond to Israeli Claims on Deadly Assault Democracy Now 6/5/2010
Grit-TV: Israeli Commandos Storm Humanitarian Aid ships-Murder 9 6/9/2010
Canadian TV interview on the Israeli raid on the Gaza Flotilla 6/6/2010
Palestine Telegraph: US Army Colonel Joins Freedom Flotilla to Break the Israeli Siege of Gaza 5/19/2010
Ann Wright Spotlights the Killing Fields of Gaza 4/29/2010
Hawaii Independent: Voices of conscience bring Gaza to the American forefront 2/12/2010
1hr interview on Gaza & Afghanistan on Town Square, Hawaii Public Radio 2/10/2010
Ann Wright interview (1 hour) on Gaza Hawaii Public Access TV Olelo-Interviewed by Jesse Ponce de Leon 1/22/2010
Egypt Opens Gaza Border Crossing Ann Wright quoted in Al Jazeera-English 1/3/2010
IraqIt's Time for the US to Declare Victory and Go Home memorandum from Col. Timothy R. Reese, Chief, Baghdad Operations Command Advisory Team, MND-B, Baghdad, Iraq Jul 28, 2009